One-Page Recap of the Strategic Plan
Pursue financial and human resources to stabilize and grow the WSK operation.
Develop fundraising plans to support expansion.
Build capacity to actively pursue funding opportunities.
Develop additional volunteer resources, alumni and staff.
Reach out to allied employment agencies.
Align resources, space and other assets to meet client and organizational needs.
Secure more appropriate space to meet operational needs.
Attract more donations appropriate to the needs of younger clients.
Engage partnering employment agencies.
Develop information systems for decision-making.
Pursue active marketing communications efforts and enhance partner engagement for stronger relationships
Develop a well-positioned brand strategy and communications plan.
Develop processes, tools and social media assets to support communications activity.
Support WSK outreach to stakeholders.
Help build, engage and steward a growing “alumni” base.
Freshen/update Well Suited Kingston’s website, digital, print & presentation materials.
As resources grow, complete transition to a more mature, professional governance model.
Clarify roles and responsibilities.
Continue to enhance internal controls, systems and professional processes.
Continue efforts related to board development.
As the organization grows, plan carefully to make adjustments to governance oversight.
Establish a paid Executive Director position separate from the board.
NOTE: Strategy is activated through operational plans that provide more specific direction for the work and identify responsibilities and timelines — detailing who will do what by when. For implementation, please refer to operational plans along with the organization’s by-laws, this strategic plan and approved budgets.