Core Values that guide Well Suited Kingston

Well Suited's organizational culture is anchored by many values.

A few of them might be called our “core DNA” or values we would stand by—even if that were to cause some difficulty or cost for the organization. They include essential values that must be “lived” by all staff, volunteers and others representing Well Suited Kingston (WSK).

  1. Demonstrated belief in and commitment to the Mission.

  2. Unconditional respect for others, without judgment.

  3. Compassionate understanding and caring support for clients.

  4. Equity, diversity and inclusion, regardless of ways in which humans may differ.

  5. Working within the wider ecosystem of communities in which we operate.

  6. Collaborative partnerships for effective service delivery.

  7. Approaches that are strategic, future-focused, practical and uncomplicated.

Primary Clients

  • Employment seekers, age 18-35, who identify as male and need support to succeed.

  • Many of WSK’s core clientele are served by other employment agencies providing supports.

  • Those in need of free or inexpensive clothing (but who are not pursuing employment) would be better served by other agencies or through WSK popup fundraisers.

    • Circle symbol represents men in need seeking economic independence/support.