Clothing Donations


  • Interview appropriate suits

  • Interview appropriate shirts including dress shirts and polo shirts

  • Professional items including slacks, dresses pants, blazers, jackets, ties

  • Work appropriate shoes

  • Construction work cothes/safety gear

  • Outerwear including coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and boots

Not Accepted

  • Non-professional/non-work related clothing

  • Pyjamas

  • Sweatpants/sweatshirts

Where Your Donations Go

Our services are only possible because of the amazing support and Donations received from the community and supporters like you! Here is how we might use your donation of clothing to support our mission and programs.

  1. Stay in our boutique and be provided to men in need. 

  2. Get sent to another agency, who will give your item to people in need within the community 

  3. Be used to fundraise to fund our programs and services to support men in our community. All proceeds stay in our community.

To make a clothing donation, please click the button below and fill out the form. We will be intouch